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Length: 120 mins Persons: Male 5 Female 5

Production Record: 2014

“Photographs are not mere records but precious connections with family members and friends.” In Seoul, called Keijo under Japanese occupation in 1942, a Japanese man who ran a tiny photographic studio was ordered to take photographs of Korean prisoners arrested for anti-Japanese activities. The pictures were “mere records,” of the prisoners with their respective registration numbers. The photographer dreamed that someday he would take “real photographs.” Now, in Tokyo, his daughter has taken over her father’s dream. How do these two ages look through the viewfinder?

2013年11月 Ring-Bongリーディング公演

「闇のうつつに 我か我かは」


[作]山谷典子  [演出]小笠原 響

[出演]小笠原良知  辻輝猛  福田絵里 山谷典子




奥武蔵の川を見下ろす丘の上に建つ小さな美術館。 そこに一人の老人が訪れる。

かつて彼は東京大空襲で家族を失い、 同じく空襲で家族を失った一人の女性画家と、この地で出会ったのだった。





Length: 50 mins Persons: Male 2 Female 3

Production Record: 2014, 2015

An old man visits a small museum on a hill, looking down on a river that runs through Oku-Musashi, a mountainous area spreading out from the north-west suburbs of Tokyo. The man had lost his family during World War II on the night of 10 March 1945 in the massive Tokyo Air Raid which killed more than a hundred thousand people. At the museum, he met a female painter who had lost her family in an air raid as well. “What happened in the darkness seems to me a dream.” The story goes back and forth between the two points in time, the present and 1945. What does it mean to live, to believe? What is a family? What is the State?


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